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Fireworks: Theory, Practice, Performance
By Chris Pearce
Fireworks: Theory, Practice, and Performance, by Chris Pearce
Fireworks: Theory, Practice and Performance offers a basic introduction to the subject for aspiring fireworks display technicians and those professionals who wish to reinforce their existing knowledge. Topics covered include – simple firework chemistry; hazards in use and transport; firework types; fusing techniques; display hardware; basic electrical concepts; firing systems; display design, planning and execution and environmental considerations, all presented in an easy and accessible style.
Buy it from The JoFra Press at £20 (Colour edition); £15 (standard edition)
By Mike Roberts
Click here to see the review of the book.
ISBN-10: 1526202794 ISBN-13: 978-1526202796
ISBN-13: 978-1526202796
Price: Available to UK only at £30 + £8 p+p
Pages: 216
Publisher: Grenier Ltd (23 May 2016)
Binding: Hardcover
Ask Me About My Bombshells
By Robert Barclay
Gunpowder and cocaine make uncomfortable companions. A love affair over the mortars and Roman candles is disrupted by the imaginative schemes of a biker gang boss. Julia, granddaughter of a commercial pyrotechnician, falls for Rocco, sixth generation scion of a competing firework company, only to discover that her innocent romantic partner has been drawn into a network of drug-traffickers through coercion and blackmail. Meanwhile, activists with a strange agenda are attempting to disrupt firework shows and are leading the police in frustrating circles. Sabotage, subterfuge, police raids, mix-ups and theft lead through an intricate gunpowder plot to an explosive thunderclap of a finale.
See the review in issue 68 of Fireworks.
Fireworks, Principles and Practice 4th Ed.
By Ron Lancaster
This thoroughly revised and updated 4th edition of Fireworks: Principles and Practice, is the one essential reference regarded as the “Bible of Fireworks.”
ISBN: 0820604070
ISBN-13/EAN: 9780820604077
Price: £111.17 (includes postage to UK and US); £116.17 (other countries)
Pages: 548
Publisher: Chemical Publishing
Binding: Hardback
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Fireworks Displays, Explosive Entertainment
Full Colour Edition By Tom Smith
A guide to getting the most from your firework display for designers, firers and event organisers.
ISBN: 0820600903
ISBN-13/EAN: 9780820600901
Price: £148.23 (includes postage to UK and US); £153.23 (other countries)
Pages: 548
Publisher: Chemical Publishing
Binding: Book – Other
All Other Countries
Principle author — Dr Tom Smith, Davas Ltd
This new book, with over 180 illustrations and over 50 tables of data, is designed for firework display firers, designers and organisers of outdoor events.
From the enthusiastic amateur firer who wants to get the most from the legally available fireworks, all the way up to the seasoned professional, this book will benefit those needing more information about the ways professionals plan and use fireworks to the greatest effect.
Dr. Smith’s book covers the areas of:
- Ancient and modern history of firework displays
- Types of fireworks
- Firework effects
- Types of displays most commonly used today
- Newly created diagrams of firework types and effects, from both an aesthetic and safety point of view.
Specific sections on:
- Display safety
- Risk assessment
- Fallout issues
- Planning and rigging of the display site
- Research on mortar rack safety
- Display design
- Choosing the appropriate fireworks
- Colour theory
- Electric firing
- Synchronisation of fireworks to music
- Design philosophies
- Legal issues
- International standards
- Environmental effects of fireworks
- Case studies of displays, large and small
- Future developments in fireworks and displays
- What happens when things do not go to plan
Dr. Tom Smith, a well-known and influential figure with over 20 years experience in the firework industry, has created an essential guide to the exciting world of fireworks and firework displays.
He has been a consultant to the Athens Olympics, the Melbourne Commonwealth Games, the London Millennium and New Year’s Eve displays.
Other contributors include:
- Darryl Fleming – Kimbolton Fireworks
- Chris Pearce and Andy Wiggins – Jubilee Fireworks
- Rodney Clarke – FireOne
- Martin Smith – Coordinator of the largest November 5th celebrations in the UK
- Jim Donald – London New Year’s Eve displays
- Andrew Walsh – Accolade events
- Australia, producer of large-scale world events
- Murray Torrible – Precision Broking, insuring the world’s largest display companies
Fireworks Displays, Explosive Entertainment
Black & White Edition By Tom Smith
Firework Displays: Explosive Entertainment
A guide to getting the most from your firework display for designers, firers and event organisers
Details: see colour edition (below)
ISBN: 0820600644
ISBN-13/EAN: 9780820600642
Price: £115.29 (includes postage to UK and US); £120.29 (other countries)
Publisher: Chemical Publishing
Binding: Hardback
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Military and Civilian Pyrotechnics
Dr. Herbert Ellern
Written for manufacturers, laboratory pyrotechnicians, and lay students, this book contains an enormous amount of invaluable data on the properties and production of pyrotechnic materials, on heat and light production, on aerosols, energy, and noise. Includes a manufacturing formulary, and a good reference section. Its wealth of information and highly readable style make it a ‘must have’ in every pyrotechnician’s library.
ISBN: 0820603643
ISBN-13/EAN: 9780820603643
Price: £61.76 (includes postage to UK and US); £66.76 (other countries)
Pages: 480
Publication year: 1901
Publisher: Chemical Publishing
Binding: Paperback
All Other Countries
George W. Weingart
This is a classic in the field, an enormously successful handbook on the art of making fireworks. In non-technical language, it gives formulas and detailed instructions for all the time-honored favorites, exhibition and display pieces. An indispensable book for both the beginner and the professional pyrotechnist. Table of contents.
ISBN: 0820601128
ISBN-13/EAN: 9780820601120
Price: £78.23 (includes postage to UK and US); £83.23 (other countries)
Pages: 260
Edition: 2 (Enlarged)
Publication year: 1901
Publisher: Chemical Publishing
Binding: Hardback
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Handbook of Pyrotechnics
By Karl O. Brauer
This handbook provides extremely useful data and information about theory and industrial applications that formerly were limited to applications in military ordnance, fireworks, and rock blasting. These “civilian” applications include spacecraft, aircraft, underwater vehicle systems, metal forming, cladding, riveting and some other production methods. Twenty-one chapters contained in six parts: Explosive Materials, Explosive-Actuated Devices, Pyrotechnic Systems, Reliability and Testing, Explosive Production Methods and Appendix. Contains numerous charts, graphs and illustrations as useful aids.
ISBN: 082060349X
ISBN-13/EAN: 9780820603490
Price: £61.76 (includes postage to UK and US); £66.76 (other countries)
Pages: 416
Publication year: 1901
Publisher: Chemical Publishing
Binding: Paperback
All Other Countries
Weingart’s Dictionary and Manual of Fireworks
By George Weingart
Weingart’s classic book on fireworks covering the author’s work and experiments from 1890-1935. In case laminate hardback edition.
ISBN: 0820600938
ISBN-13/EAN: 9780820600932
Price: £70 (includes postage to UK and US); £75 (other countries)
Pages: 182
Publication year: 1901
Publisher: Chemical Publishing
Binding: Hardback