Issue 83
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(as featured on TV, radio and the national press)
Why you can’t afford to be without the latest issue of Fireworks:
It covers the important firework issues: British government acts sensibly, Scottish government not so – Andy Hubble has written a paper on it for ISF; Standard Fireworks move from Huddersfield; Andy Hubble celebrates 15 years writing for Fireworks; You could go to prison for lighting sparklers in the street! Germany has shop goods again – and the illegal trade suffers; Chinese revolt over firework ban; West Yorkshire Fire Service want firework displays to return; London New Year is back – and Darryl Fleming describes the problems – and success
It covers the firework world: Mark Kelsall describes more British success in Malaysia; From Australia comes the article which appeared in a 1903 newspaper – ‘Fireworks Are A Loud Declaration of The Joy of Life’ – we’ll all subscribe to that!
If you use or trade in fireworks, it provides what you need to know: Chris Hutchison gives some advice on how to cope with fireworks’ future; HFM under new ownership; Our Pyro Tech Geoff Smith details the pre-history of gunpowder; Chris Pearce delves into the secrets of firework competition judges; Barry Sturman and Kurt Medlin conclude their article on pinwheel physics
It gives you a wallow in fireworks’ past: John Bennett provides the story of seventeenth century firework mayhem; Ron Lancaster continues his recollections; Ian McMillan – the man who is known for praising firework in general periodicals – provides an amusing story of his firework past; The outstanding Joe Neal describes an incident from his firework youth; Cartoons from Nipper and other past periodicals; Michael Ackroyd remembers Wallop Fireworks
It amuses and entertains you: Harry Smee reports on how Winston Churchill nearly destroyed The Admiralty! John Lockwood reveals a firework scandal in Bohemia; Bill Davis, in his lively way, covers the firework competitions of 2022; Sturtz returns with two cartoons and his ‘Leading Light’ – Peter Stone; Martin Cummins has discovered a patent for a pyrotechnic substance which was invented to identify where golf balls fell – one thinks it is a little too explosive for most! Michelle Fox-Rousell bemoans the lack of references to Guy Fawkes’ Night in current diaries
We remember those sadly missed: Maurice Evans and Tony Naylor
It gives you great firework illustrations: Highlights of Blackpool by World in Focus; London New Year; The firework competitions by Paul Brock Photography; 10th century rocket! Firework museum pieces; Brock’s bangers of the 50s and 60s; Brock’s and Standard fireworks; Wallop dummies and labels
Contributing to this issue: John Bennett; Darryl Fleming; Ian Cramman; Paul Brock; Harry Smee; John Lockwood; Chris Hutchison; Andy Hubble; Mike Bowerman; Geoff Smith; Ian McMillan; Chris Pearce; Kurt Medlin; Barry Sturman; Mark Kelsall; Ron Lancaster; Joe Neal; Bill Davis; Michael Ackroyd; Martin Cummins
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