Issue 33
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- The Fireworks Bill: If you think it’s just about training, you should read this, and wave goodbye to Cat 3. The most detailed analysis available
- Hong Kong Hand-over Display: Mark Lancaster of Kimbolton Fireworks tells the story of the company’s display
- The News from Down Under: Barry Sturman’s Antipodean Jottings
- Internet Round-up: Paul Tierney features the argument over whether scissors are suitable to cut fuse
- Spain/Malta: Rob Driessen returns to Valencia and Malta
- British Fireworks Championship: Natasha Webb considers the competitors and describes the displays
- Orange, California: Chris Squyres presents his annual report on the fireworks available
- US Update: A new feature by Jack Drewes which tells the story of the struggle in the US and South Africa to survive in an increasingly firework-hostile world
- Pain’s and Wessex: the Turbulent Years: John Bennett reveals the scenes behind the move to Wiltshire
- The Tom Smith Report: on the Fireworks Bill
- The Field of Stars: Paul Birch provides a 1997 PGI Convention report
- Defending the Pinwheel’s Honour: Lou Nadin does it with his usual style
- Letter from America: Larry Crump has the news from the States
- Jersey Record Breakers: Sam Woodward designed the firing system; Terry McDonald arranged the fireworks. Sam tells how the rocket shoot broke the record
- Pyrotechno File: A new series of information for those requiring training and jobs
- Book Review: Firemagic – the history of firework companies in Germany
- Books and Publications: six new items
- Round-up of recent news
- Pyro Smiles
- Your letters, including letters from Ron Lancaster and Lou Nadin
- Pain’s Chinese fireworks – in 1915
- It had to be blue touch paper – even in 1766
- Royal Gunpowder Mills to open
- The future of Standard Fireworks
- ICI pulls out of chemicals
- Computer firing systems
- Invasion of fire-site causes problems at Bristol
- Show pulled because of special effects dangers
- Another chemistry course from the Kosankes – and reflections on the last
- New idea from Fantastic
- Indian crackers break Chinese monopoly
- New trade directories
- Powell’s Fireworks surface after forty years
- Benson & Hedges firework competition threatened by ban on tobacco sponsorship
- British victory at Vancouver
- Power of Houston display; ‘Pyrotechnic Artists of Texas’ formed
- Guy Fawkes in US
- Belle Vue – Ron Lancaster remembers
- Jumping crackers – Lou Nadin recalls them
- That mysterious back-page ad!
- More on the shell ban – and the new firework regulations
- A way round the shell-ban
- The dark secrets of those who want to restrict our fireworks