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Issue 43



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A National Firework Museum John Bennett shows how you could ensure it happens

Phoenix Fireworks of Hemel Hempstead (1948-1963) John Bennett looks at Brock’s near neighbours

George Henry Profile of a man who worked for Brock’s and Phoenix John Bennett interviewed him

The Enschede Fireworks Disaster Rob Driessen shows what it means to us

Antipodean Jottings Barry Sturman on things Down Under

Internet Round Up Paul Tierney surfs the web for fireworks

British Semi-Professional Firework Championships Mat Lawrence provides the details

We remember Larry Crump John Bennett, Jonathan Young, Dorothy Crump, Ken Barton and Charles Weeth look back

A Little More Light Rainer Davis was at Groupe F’s Brighton show with Christophe Berthonneau

News from the BPA from Chris Pearce; News from the British Fireworks Associationfrom John Woodhead

Edwin Bailey and Barrie Smith Obituaries

British Musical Firework Championships Consideration of the event from Chris Hutchison

Fire in Motion Paul Birch provides his annual report on the PGI Convention

Insuring Firework Displays It’s a minefield. Murray Torrible steers us through

4th July in Orange, California Chris Squyres has fun as usual despite the restrictions

Fireworks on Captain Cook’s voyages Captain Cook himself describes them in accounts unearthed by Cliff Thornton

When newspapers print good things about fireworks Max Hastings of the Daily Mail is responsible

British Pyrotechnists’ Society Richard Harwood with more on the organisation – with free membership

The Ron Lancaster Column A new feature

AND Letters; Round Up; Editorial; Pictorial Nostalgia – Phoenix, Brock’s, firework dummies galore; Pictures from the British Semi-Professional Competition; Reviews of one new book and no fewer than 6 new videos covering all major UK competitions

WITH: Malcolm Armstrong’s speech at the opening of the Light the Blue Touchpaper Exhibition; New Fireworks Bill could well become law; Voluntary air bomb ban could be subject of legislation; Are we entering the age of government by petition? Hallowe’en the safe option – oh, yes? Parliamentary onslaught on fireworks – we gate-crash a Prime Minister’s briefing; Takeo Shimizu is 80 – Ron Lancaster marks the occasion; Maroon shells classified 1.1G; Training programmes; New BPA web site; HSE warning after steel support tubes explode; USA dry states turn round to legalise fireworks; Chinese factory explosions – will all factories be closed? Pierre Alain Hubert arrested; British companies win international awards; Fireworks to deter poachers! Northern Ireland ban