Issue 71
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It delves into firework history: Barry Sturman starts his series of Artists in Fireworks with Joseph Southby; Chris Pearce provides a look at Standard at War; Wallop Fireworks remembered – the book that guided the workers
It covers unique events: Passfire in a new venture; Darryl Fleming provides an A-Z of London New Year; Bright Sparks at Southport – Steffan Williams describes events; Bill Davis provides his much illustrated account of the judging year
If you use or trade in fireworks, it provides what you need to know: Legislation and regulation reviewed; News from the BFA and BPA; Greener fireworks – what is the situation? Ian Williams gets us up to date; John Halfpenny has news of fireworks from a BFA view; Andy Hubble has the current legislative situation regarding Brexit; Ron Lancaster provides his unique view of fireworks; If you do not know about the International Symposium on Fireworks, here’s something to whet your appetite
It gives you a wallow in fireworks’ past: John Lockwood remembers his firework childhood in Canada; Fireworking recalls the immense achievements of The World Famous; Jonathan Finch recalls his amazing Olympic journey
We remember 3 sadly departed stalwarts of the firework world: David Mussell, Michael Thomson, Paul McInley
It amuses and entertains you: Sturtz cartoons; Elaine Moore is not impressed by all judging of firework competitions; Blowing up pumpkins? – J Larry Mattingly did it as part of his job as a pyrotechnist; Wilf Scott is back; Firework week celebrated by the Austrian Post Office!
It provides the unusual: Exporting fireworks to Iceland and thereby saving lives – John Woodhead remembers; Britney Spears on a firework label; Gary Orris knew the Wells family and presents surprising facts; James Durose recalls Pyrotex experiences around the world in 2016
It gives you illustrated nostalgia: Wallop fireworks pictured – after over seventy years; Standard Fireworks adverts during war time; Three Standard 30s dummy boards surface – we show them to you; Pictures of firework boxes through the ages – and numerous colour pictures of current displays
Also: Licensing problems and review at HSE; Issues of manufacturing shells; The Firework Petition debate – a storm in a teacup or sign of things to come? Book review; Chris Pearce has the original of J H Sharpe; New firework trucks appear; Yes, we were right – hold in the hand Catherine wheels did exist; Wendy Zhang writes from China; Another smoking model – it’s the smoking newsboy; Europe won’t go away after Brexit
Writing in this issue: Ron Lancaster, Elaine Moore, John Woodhead, John Lockwood, John Bennett, Mike Glover, Raymond Thomson, Ettore Constabile, John Halfpenny, Jonathan Finch, Darryl Fleming, Steffan Williams, Ian Williams, Bill Davis, Chris Pearce, Jesse Veverka, J Larry Mattingly, Andy Hubble, James Durose, Barry Sturman; Photography by Michael Turner and P J Whitby
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