Issue 82
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It covers the important firework issues: Andy Hubble sees fireworks bouncing back against all the odds; British Firework Championships re-invents itself
It delves into firework history: The Lights of Leamington were a major firework event – Richard Lane recalls it all, with copious nostalgic illustrations; Barry Sturman has found an article about Standard Fireworks – no, not that one! Ron Lancaster continues his excellently illustrated history of his life in fireworks – and the development of Kimbolton Fireworks; Harry Smee reminds us of Bexhill’s part in firework history!
It covers the firework world: Tourist could have been executed for lighting a firework in Thailand; Maria Barron is back – New Zealand has problems similar to our own; A Montreal feature covers three articles – Chris Pearce with his Duels in the Dark; Mark Kelsall with a description of the great Pyrotex victory this year in the event, and Paul Marriott marks the retiring of Martyne Gagnon – The End of An Era
If you use or trade in fireworks, it provides what you need to know: The anti-firework lobby have failed in England and are trying new methods; Local authority motions being passed to stop fireworks on their land; If you are a pyrotechnophile, here are two major articles for you – on pinwheels by Barry Sturman and by Geoff Smith on wood ash
It gives you a wallow in fireworks’ past: We report the tragic end of the Wells Firework Factory on the Dartford Marshes; Mike Strophair continues the Forest Fireworks story; We remember how we saw Standard Fireworks then – Graham Wilkinson explains what really happened; John Lockwood provides a picture of a French rocketeer
It amuses and entertains you: Harry Smee reports on flirting at the Crystal Palace fireworks; Chris Hutchison recalls his prototype network marketing; Sturtz makes us laugh again; A whole page of nostalgia from the Nipper Annual when fireworks were fun and regarded as such
It provides the facts: Where a local authority is taken to task for disturbing the birds; Scottish legislation will kill legal retail trade; British Firework Championships’ 2022 winners Sonic Fireworks are highlighted in an article by Rob Glover on the company’s display
It gives you illustrated nostalgia: A four page celebration of Wells’ Fireworks marking the sad demise of its Dartford factory; Standard pyrotechnists; Flying pigeons and many more images from the past
Contributing to this issue: Graham Wilkinson; Chris Hutchison; Chris Pearce; Andy Hubble; Ron Lancaster; John Bennett; Barry Sturman; Chris Sturtridge; Ettore Contestabile; Mike Strophair; Bill Davis; Geoff Smith; Harry Smee; Richard Lane; Maria Barron; Mark Kelsall; Paul Marriott; Frederic Bastien; Kurt C Medlin; Rob Glover
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